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List organization's attribute buckets

Get a list of available attribute buckets for your organization

Header Parameters
  • SlashID-OrgID string required

    The organization ID

    Example: af5fbd30-7ce7-4548-8b30-4cd59cb2aba1


  • meta object
  • pagination object
  • limit integer
  • offset integer
  • total_count int64
  • errors object[]
  • httpcode integer
  • message string
  • result object[]
  • name string

    The name of the attribute bucket

  • sharing_scope string

    Possible values: [organization, person_pool]

    The scope in which attributes in this bucket are available

  • owner_organization_id string
  • end_user_permissions string

    Possible values: [no_access, read_only, read_write]

    The access level for end-users to attributes in this bucket.