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Check whether a person has a permission

Check whether the given person has the given permission. The service automatically takes into account permissions included in granted roles as well as permissions granted individually.

Header Parameters
  • SlashID-OrgID string required

    The organization ID

    Example: af5fbd30-7ce7-4548-8b30-4cd59cb2aba1
Request Body required
  • person_id string required

    Person ID

  • permission_name string required

    Possible values: <= 1024 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1}[\w./\\\-:]*[A-Za-z0-9]$

    The permission name must be unique within your organization; is case-sensitive; and must conform to the following:

    • must be at least 2 characters long
    • may be at most 1024 characters long
    • may contain only the characters A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . : / \
    • must start and end with an alphanumeric character (A-Z a-z 0-9)


  • meta object
  • pagination object
  • limit integer
  • offset integer
  • total_count int64
  • errors object[]
  • httpcode integer
  • message string
  • result object
  • granted boolean