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Retrieve a person's profile

Given the SlashID Access Token obtained during signin, this endpoint returns a person's profile.

This endpoint will work only if openid was granted as a scope for the Access Token. The information included in the response depends on the scopes requested. For example, a scope of just openid may return less information than a scope of openid profile email.



  • sub string

    The subject granted to the token, as a person ID.

  • iss string

    The access token issuer.

  • aud string

    The audience granted to th token, that is, the OAuth2 client ID.

  • org_id string

    The SlashID organization ID granted to the token.

  • email string

    The email address of the person. Only present if the authorization request included scope email.

  • email_verified boolean

    Is true if the ownership of the email address was verified. false otherwise.

  • phone_number string

    The phone number of the person. Only present if the authorization request included scope phone.

  • phone_number_verified boolean

    Is true if the ownership of the phone number was verified. false otherwise.

  • username string

    The username of the person. Only present if the authorization request included scope username.